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Ashley's Teenage Feet, Part 3
(Posted on Thursday, October 25, 2001)
This story was submitted by BobFootNut.

To read the 1st part of this story, click Ashley's Teenage Feet, Part 1.

Hi Again.

Well, I purchased Ashley for her birthday, a video on "Pedicure Techniques," some blue toenail polish, some little beads and decals for her toes, plus some peppermint foot lotion. I planned to give the gifts to Lorraine the next time that she came over to clean. I'd tell her that it was a surprise for both her and Ashley to share.

I don't know if I mentioned this before in my other story about Lorraine, but from a young teenager, she was obsessed with her own feet and would play with them while she masturbated. She'd roll on her stomach and pretend that someone was at the bottom of the bed, pulling up the covers to expose the soles of her feet. She also loved to paint her toenails and wear bare strappy sandals to show off her feet. Even in the winter as she turned the heat on in the car to keep her feet warm, she'd keep her flats close by in case she was stopped.

I just love when Lorraine drives barefoot. Lately, I have been asking her to drive me places, telling her that I need to work in the car and can't drive myself.

I am also gonning to mention this to Ashley and see if I can get her to start driving barefoot. I'll let you know how it goes.

This story was submitted by BobFootNut.

To continue with this story, click Ashley's Teenage Feet, Part 4.

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