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In Bed With The Flu, Part 2
(Posted on Wednesday, December 12, 2001)
This story was submitted anonymously by Tock

To read the 1st part of this story, click In Bed With The Flu, Part 1.

We returned from the basketball game. ETSU won, so we were in good spirits. When we got to my friend Will's house, we didn't see many lights on in the house and figured that his sister Paula was probably napping, while battling the flu.

As we got inside, I tossed my things next to Will's couch, which I was going to sleep on that night and he went to see if she was okay. He came back into the kitchen and said that she was doing pretty good. He said he needed a shower and I could turn the TV on and watch whatever was on.

I found another basketball game, on some local channel. I waited until I heard the shower running, before going visit Paula, myself. When I got into the guest room, I could see that she was indeed feeling better.

She was still laying on her stomach, on the day bed. But this time, she had a lamp on and was reading a book, instead of being in the dark, with just the light from the TV, as before. She wasn't covered with three blankets. She had no blankets. She had a light pink robe on. She didn't have the two pairs of sock. She had no socks. How wonderful it was to see those gorgeous calves and bare feet.

"I didn't know if you were here or not," I said. "I didn't hear any loud sneezing or coughing."

"Fu-u-u-nny. Fu-u-u-nny," she replied. "Oh, you're just so funny. I slept for a couple of hours and it has made a world of difference. I woke up just in time to see the end of the ETSU game. Will was glad they won. He goes to almost every home game."

"Do you still have a fever?" I asked. "I noticed that you tossed all of your blankets and socks away."

"The fever is only 99," she answered. "I'm not freezing anymore, like I was this afternoon. I took my socks off. Now I don't have any protection if you start tickling my feet again."

"Funny you should mention that," I said. "I was hoping I might get an opportunity to do something like this."

From there. 1 took two throw pillows and placed them over the back of her legs, just above her knees. I sat on the pillows and faced towards the end of her legs. I bent her legs and folded my legs around her knees, placing her heels against my chest.

It was Christmas in January. I felt like I was presented a wonderful gift. These tremendously gorgeous bare feet, placed right in front of me. I actually paused, looked up to the heavens and smiled.

"Thank you, God." I said. "Thanks for helping Paula feel so much better and thanks for giving me the chance to play with such a beautiful pair of bare feet."

Before she could do or say anything. I took an index finger to each of her soles and began dragging up and down.

"Oh no. Don't tickle my feet," she said while giggling. "No, not again. I'm stuck. Don't tickle my feet. I'm going to pee on myself. Ha ha ha ha!! Don't tickle my feet!!"

"Kitchie kitchie koooo," I said, as I began rolling all ten fingers, across every part of her soles, as well as the heels and outside edges of her feet. "Koochie. Koochie koochk koochie koochie koochie. This is more fun than the basketball game."

She was flinging her arms around, like a crazed scarecrow and I told her that if she kept that up, she may be able to fly into the next room. I could see that she was getting overheated again. She was still trying to recover from how she felt early in the day. 1 didn't want to wear her out. I just gave a big kiss to each instep and got up from the day bed.

I put the pillows back where I found them. I asked her if she needed more water or
something. She laughed and said she was fine.

"I bet you feel lucky that I was staying here this weekend so you can come in here and tickle my feet." she said.

"You should feel lucky that I haven't found a feather duster to tickle your feet with," I answered.

This story was submitted anonymously by Tock.

To continue with the 3rd part of this story, click In Bed With The Flu, Part 3.

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